Monday, September 28, 2009


sorry, interweb readers.

I have been really busy, school GAH !!
and I have a new boyfriend, got to put time in for him.
but, I just thought I would write alittle about Glen.

Glen was a good guy, sweet and very cool. He never would hurt someone on prouse. he died by smokin' weed, so for all the people out that. that smoke up, please stop or watch for what your doin'
we don't need anymore people diein'

ohh, another thing.
you guys might like mars, skittles, hersey, M&Ms lots more candy companys that give 3-6% of there money to help TEST on animals.
if you love animals and don't want to see them get hurt, please PLEASE stop buyin' stuff that TESTED on animals and eatting stuff that SUPORRTS animal testing.

why, do you need new stuff for you hair, when everything pretty much works the same.

thanks for readin'

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

yess, I did pretty good.

sooo, this saturday I played my gutair and sang at my grandma funeal ... and it wasn't half bad, so then on sunday at the sundridge fall fair I sang La La land by Demi Lavoto. I won third place. I will try to get a vid up of my on youtube singin' the reason I haven't put any up because, I broke my camara -crys- but, other then that ... I don't know what else to say.

ohh, my friend Glen died today ... soo, I will write a blog about that atfer I know how it happened and I find everything out.

thanks for readin'


Saturday, September 19, 2009

Dear Blogger "Something to feed the brain"

I'm sorry, but it seems like something you would to do someone if you were bored (:
it's just who you are Becca, but in a really good way ! that's why i love you. but, I did not block any comment things soo, i don't know what your talkin' about ... i guess my blog thingy was just being gay that day ... baahhaa, you can say BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG over and over again ehh. but, back to what we were talking about, if you were dared or to make a vid about calling some random person up. I could see you doin' it, just for laughs.

and I love your youtube vid on your fish, I was there the day you found it :P
you still need to put the vid up of you throwin' Coreys friend out the window. that's really funny and you got good air on throwin' him out the window to.



Thursday, September 17, 2009

5:30am wake up call !

hey readers,

I know I haven't been updatin' my blog much, I have tons of homework and sports I'm doin'.
so, anyways ... this mornin' I was havin' a great dream ... some random creepy guy called me at 5:30 ! like, wth !

all he said was, wow I wish i could do to you want I have already done, AS SOON as I picked up the phone, and hungup when he was done sayin' it. like, come on who does that OH, WAIT OTHER THEN BECCA ! but, it wasn't her, it was an old man.

but, other then that he kept callin' and callin'. soo, I played with his head back ans said weird things back .. and he hasn't called back ?.... but, other then that all I have really done is get tickets to see Childern of Boodm(: for not this weekend comin' up next weekend !!! but, this weekend i'm goin' to the fall fair with hailey, Chris, kaitlyn, Taylor and maybe Anthony (:
I will post how it was and if it was a waste of money ! and FOR SURE will tell you about next weekend .. ohh, and my Grandma died so, her funal is on Saturday. so, I will right a blog about her, and hope you guys read it and give some respet to her (:

but, other then that nothing really to talk about.
Stay Cultey free


Saturday, September 12, 2009

well, what to do.

soo, internet readers.
It's been my first week of school, I'm already piled with homework BLAH ! and people from last year tryin' to start drama FROM STUFF FROM LAST YEAR ... but, most of all. I have good classes, great friends, and an okay job :)
but, I haven't had much time to get new youtube vids up, update my blog or my site DAMN. I'm tryin' my hardest ... and it's really hard to let you know what's goin' on in my everyday life ... bahaa, but i wanted to tell you this ... do you know why water frezzes up to down ?... and no matter how many ice cubes you put in your water, your water will always stay 4 decresse ?..

but, the reason the water frezzes up to down because, if water froze down to up it would kill everything and it would screw up the flow of water, and change everything about it. weird eh ?...
but, I don't have much more to say .. but, I will try to put a new vid on youtube, and update my blog more lol

thanks for readin'


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

school oh, joy (:

ello, all your internet readers (:

so, today was my first day of school and lucky me I have a hardcore corse for both this semster GAHHH ! what to do, well, theres the thing ... I had a really bad year last year soo, i'm makin' it up for it this year. sooo, that's not good for me, i have alot of homework ahead of me and just stuff that I don't want to to, but need to. to become a vet.

well, my plan is to learn how to get my school life together, the my job life, then my friends ... ahhh, all the drama .. i effin' hate it ! it makes me what to punch someone in the eye JOKIN' ! ... not really. but, anyways back on topic. boys are kinda the last thing on my mind right now.
so, i thought i would tell you about my first day oh school YAYAY !!! :(
well, I got there .. had to find my locker .. all the way on the other side of the school from all my CLASSES ! like, wth that happens every effin' year, it's like they want us to be late, ahhh that's another thing i hate. ohh, then this girl has a problem with one of my friends and pushed me for it, then i just walked away and just laughed... so, i like most of my theachers, not really stuendets. BAAHAAHAHAHA, but i need to deal but I'M NOT GUNNA BE HAPPY ABOUT IT !

ohhh, just another fun fact I got 14 hits on my blog now EFFIN' RIGHT ! soo, in one of my classese this kid came up to me, and was like oh, I looked at your blog .. and I thought I should tell you "fightin' for a pointless things is goin' to get you no where in life, so I thought i should tell you that fight for animal testin' and stuff like that is not gunna stop so just give up alreay" James said that. OHHH, I JUST GOT PISSED AT THAT POINT. so this is what i said back "Okay, James .. it's people like you that see animals as just a thing that's there and means nothin' but, they have feelings just like me and you, and if i was to test random shit on you that wasn't ment to be, you wouldn't like it. so if ypu really want to fight with me on this one bring it because, i'm about to blow you away with shit you never ever knew about animal testing and why it is wrong, and hope that you one day life thought something that was COMPETELY BAD and think about on this back on this day and was like oh maybe i shouldn't have said that and stood up for this little animals that are bein' hurt for no reason." and I walked away.

so, think about it don't let your self get bullied or other people a round you, stand up and tell. because, even tho you tell it doens't mean your the weak person your savin' your self, and that person that may or could have died that day.

thanks for readin' ! stay CRULTEY FREE ^__^

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

ahh, today was a very gay day !

so, today ... I got up at my ex boyfriends house, called my mom to come pick me up .. but, she was to sick to do, then had to fight with her to get her ass to town to get me. got in like 4 fights today with three diferent people.
when my mom was on her way to huntsville, and a talk i didn't want to have with the ex. then got in the car, sat there for an hour to get home ... OH HOY ! then got home, had to walk the dogs, feed them, unpack some of my room (moved and didn't unpack much lol) GOT yelled at by my mom and didn't even listen lol.
AND now watchin' the O.C looking at random vidoes on youtube, and WAITIN' FOR BECCA TO PUT HER NEW VIDEO ON SO I CAN LAUGH AT HER !!!! WOOT WOOT ! but, that's why my day today was gay ... :(

Monday, September 7, 2009

ohhhh, yeahh !

soo, like 2 SECONDS ago .. I looked at how many people have looked at my blog ... well, mostly like three of the viwes with Becca, and the other two WERE OTHER PEOPLE ! eff yeah !
but, that's not the only reason am writin' this (:
soo, last night ... i slept pretty good, but just didn't like my dreams ... oh no i did not ! so yeah, in one of my dreams there was this BIG yellow, blue, red and green thing that moved like JELLY ! (baahaa, almost put kelly, WOULD no have been good) but, then when i tryed to run away from it ... i would get so far .. then start all over again, it's like I WAS DOIN' something WRONG ! me doin' something WRONG NEVER ! lol jokin' !

but, then ... when that fanilly stopped. I GROW big and then i would shoot peanut butter, like WTH is that shit; but, then in the end it seemed to be a good power .. because, then I WOULD FLY AND BE PEANUT BUTTER SHOOTIN' FART MAN ! bahhaa, that's LOOOOVEEEELLYYY !

thanks, for readin'


Sunday, September 6, 2009

please stand up.

Everybody knows that Animal testing is wrong, but you see people still putting lip stick on monkeys and they make them smoke. Poor bunnies suffer so your hair can be curly, monkeys get hurt to make sure you lip gloss holds up or to make sure your mascara is dark enough. Why put animals through all this stuff that kills them and makes them suffer more than it makes you, when you can put it on you and see if it hurts you. Animals get put through so much to make your life "good" when you can easily do that yourself. Would you really want animals to suffer for your well being? Don’t you think it’s wrong to let animals have to wear make-up or to smoke. If you know something is bad for you why would you put a living creature, (something god put on this earth to make us happy) through the same pain? Why would you want a monkey to take up smoking? Why would you want a bunny to get hair spray sprayed in there eyes?

Hundreds of thousands of these animals are poisoned, blinded, and killed every year in outdated and ineffective product tests for shampoos, household cleaners, cosmetics, hairsprays, and other personal care and household items. Although more than 500 companies have banned all animal tests forever, some corporations still force substances into animals' stomachs and drip chemicals into rabbits' eyes. These tests are not required by law, and they often produce inaccurate and misleading results—even if a product has blinded an animal, it can still be marketed to you.

thanks for reading,
courtneystroud. please stay CRULTEY FREE !

Saturday, September 5, 2009

sleep ...

Ello inertweb viwers (:

I just can't sleep, so I thought I would share that with you ... because, am bored and don't have much more to do ! and another reason why I think I can't sleep is because, I HAD A TEA BOTTLE OF POP and CAKE ..... yumyum CAKE !
but, another reason is because, i'm thinking way to much about this guy that means alot to me .. but it feels like I mean nothing so that's goin' through my head to ... but kinda wish it wasn't.

OH OH OH, another YESTURDAY was my birthday AND lots of people wished me HAPPY BIRTHDAY soooo, i thought i would sank them ! xD
and, i just feel like sharin' what i got for my birthday, TWO PAIRS OF CONVERS WOOT WOOT ! convers cleanin' stuff, a ring and whatever my best friend is getting me and what every people sent me in the mail !

so, i hope you all have a good sleep and don't stay up late ... well, i can't i have a busy day with BECCA tomorrow. so, i will TRY to post a blog up tomorrow .

thanks for reading,


okay, okay. you interweb readers.
your not gunna believe this, but this COMPLETELY HAPPENED !

so, today i took my dog out ... and well, we walked back in some trails and I saw this really I MEAN really fat chipmunk. so, i was tryin' to get it to come on my hang. but then this BLUE JAY landed on the ground right by the mr. chub chub (that's what i named the chipmunk)
he was like .. 2cms away from him, and the he ran up the the bird and jumped on him and started to hump him !

I WAS LIKE, NO WAY ! THE MOST FUNNEST THING HAPPENED TO ME ALL DAY AND I DIDNI'T EVEN BRING MY CAMARA ! damn me ! Soo, what I didn't get was why did that chipmunk what the bird ?.

well, this is why I think Mr, chub chub wanted her.
because, maybe JUST maybe he is just like my friend Becca (look at her channel in the boxs of vidoes below) that, this chipmunk what DRESS AS A CHIPMUNK ! but, how is that posbile ?... urrrr, this is were the animal testing comes in AND THROWIN' GARBGE on the road. maybe .. this chipmunk was tested on or just ate something that made him you know ... effed up or horney. I will never know or understand what was goin' throw that chipmunks mind.
but, the bird was letting him
SOOO, i guess now there are goin' to be FLYIN' HALF CHIPMUNK/BLUE JAYS BABYS !

thanks, for readin' ....

restinpeace ; Stanley Stroud.

I know, I already posted something today. but, when I was lookin' at my bestfriends picture.
I thought I need to do a blog on him.

last month my dog died, and he was like my everything. he made me who I wanted to be today, he showed me how animals need to be treat and loved. if you have a loved animal lost or person e-mail the story behide them and I will post a blog about them.

but, here is my story.
Stanley, was the best dog. everyone that came in to my house loved him and he loved them to, he never ever would let you be down. if he heard or was in the room when you were cryin' he would do something weird or funny to cheer you up. The day we go him, at my Aunt Ruths. he ran up to me and knocked me over. The main reason we picked him when he was a puppy want because, he had eye brows. LIKE, WHAT DOG HOW EYE BROWS ! i know.
but, then when we took him home, he EAT EVERYTHING ! and didn't ever want to listen away ran away but, always came back. when he died it was really hard on are family. we keep thinkin' about gettin' a new dog, but it's still to early and hard for us.
I just wanted to share my sad story with you guys, and I would like to hear yours.
so, I guess even tho when your lookin' a pictures of the person or animal that died.

you still get chocked up.

but, the funnest thing about about my dog was that if you ever sat near him, he would grunt and it would always sound like FINE, YOU CAN SIT NEAR ME BUT REMEBER I WAS HEAR FIRST, SO DON'T TRY TO TAKE OVER MY SPOT !

I miss him, and still really love him.

thanks, for listenin' BAHAHAH, i mean readin'
courtneystoud ^__^

once again !

well, hello all you interweb people ^__^

I have been studyin' all about animal testing, animal abuse and hunting.
I have found out lots of stuff, that I wish I knew along time ago (: ... some people must be sick of hearing people wine and wine all the time about this, but it's a good thing to help the animals, that are beeing tested on and abuse. because, but to 20-40 animals that get tested on died for it.
and most of the animals that get abuse don't get picked because, either there missing a leg or just ugly because, they were beat so much.
but, the way I put it, think about if that was you and you were waiting for someone to pick you ! help the animals in need and show people that test (think its right to test on animals) and people that abuse animals THAT YOUR BETTER THEN THEM !

so, if you want to help to stay CRUELTY FREE, the follow me on my website on how to start, on my site it tells you, alittle about why I started the site, why animal testing happens and what cosmtics to use and what ones to stay away from.
it's not fully done, but it would be lovely to have so input on it, and some really good storys on it.

hope you in joy and stay CRUELTY FREE if you, what some help e-mail me at

trust me in, the end of doin' all this your goin' to feel like a way better person

sank youu, courtneystroud