Saturday, September 5, 2009

restinpeace ; Stanley Stroud.

I know, I already posted something today. but, when I was lookin' at my bestfriends picture.
I thought I need to do a blog on him.

last month my dog died, and he was like my everything. he made me who I wanted to be today, he showed me how animals need to be treat and loved. if you have a loved animal lost or person e-mail the story behide them and I will post a blog about them.

but, here is my story.
Stanley, was the best dog. everyone that came in to my house loved him and he loved them to, he never ever would let you be down. if he heard or was in the room when you were cryin' he would do something weird or funny to cheer you up. The day we go him, at my Aunt Ruths. he ran up to me and knocked me over. The main reason we picked him when he was a puppy want because, he had eye brows. LIKE, WHAT DOG HOW EYE BROWS ! i know.
but, then when we took him home, he EAT EVERYTHING ! and didn't ever want to listen away ran away but, always came back. when he died it was really hard on are family. we keep thinkin' about gettin' a new dog, but it's still to early and hard for us.
I just wanted to share my sad story with you guys, and I would like to hear yours.
so, I guess even tho when your lookin' a pictures of the person or animal that died.

you still get chocked up.

but, the funnest thing about about my dog was that if you ever sat near him, he would grunt and it would always sound like FINE, YOU CAN SIT NEAR ME BUT REMEBER I WAS HEAR FIRST, SO DON'T TRY TO TAKE OVER MY SPOT !

I miss him, and still really love him.

thanks, for listenin' BAHAHAH, i mean readin'
courtneystoud ^__^


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