Thursday, June 20, 2013

I want a new start...

everyone believe's in different things, some people try different things. I find people hold on too stuff that doesn't really work. such as, making you're self a better person after new years, birthday wishes. everytime I make plans too be a better person after new years, I just fail horribly because' I don't know how too keep promise's too my self.. I just get a hold lot of guilt if I don't follow through with them. and people pick the same ones all the time, like I'm gonna lose weight, be more fit, run everyday, drop junk food, find a good man, do better in school.. I don't get why people don't choose too help animals, not gossip, not bully people at school or over the internet. I just wish people cared alitle more about eachother. I have lived in a town for the last year and I have never felt more out of place, because' all the people i have met here are the worst.. they have backstabbed me, lied, spread fake rumors, broke into my house stole money.. i don't get why people are just so curel, I can't stand where I'm living no longer i just want too scream, it's so hard to find a job and if you do it's either seasonal or just part-time!! the last job I had, they didn't pay me for my full hours nor did they never have one nice they too say either they are saying sexual comments or making fun of you for every last thing that they can. i just once wish i could catch a break, but it doesn't seem i can.. it's nothing but a struggle over and over again.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

hi everyone i'm back, and so is my tumblr. look for it, everyone has dirty secrets, telling people you don't really know always makes everything better. cause' in this day and age, you can't trust you friends and family. xo, everybodygossips.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Sometimes in life you want to let go or go with the flow. Don't try to hard, just have fun & live your life.
Letting the little things get you down is the worst thing ever.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


i haven't been blogging in a while.. i haven come on here to write something.. i never could.. lately i have been losing everything, i lost someone i cared about so much, he thinks i never cared! i still love him till this day, & i finally told him last night.. didn't go over well.. but atleast he knows now; i feel kinda bad cause' i know he didn't want to know.. i could have sat here and held them back till they went away (that's if they did, i don't think they would have) but, he asked me.. the only thing that makes me feel better is tumblr & my friends.. i try and try to do more with my self; i just feel lost and empty. i'm sorry about a depressing blog.. i just needed to vent y'know ? i'll make another blog soon i hope.

Friday, February 25, 2011

i'm yours, your mine.

hey, sorry readers that i haven't blogged in abit, lol.. i have been busy with my parents, cleaning, cutting and stacking wood .. hahah, school is getting harder and i can't fucking handle it.. i'm gonna like freak!! soo.. another reason i haven't blogged lately, is because something good has finally come to me, and it's a great feeling.. and i have been following it..

so, there is this boy.. that has a great personality, funny, sweet, romantic, good looking and has everything that i need.. but, the only problem is the age difference! but, to me age shouldn't matter if you are happy, if your happy with that person it shouldn't matter on how old they are. because, have you ever sat down and thought; ohhh, maybe just maybe this is the "one" or is there really a one.. you will never really know.

soo, this is me. trying to write down my pros and cons about me liking him.. but soo far i have one con.. and that is the age difference? like why does that even matter, why is that even stopping me.. it shouldn't what soo ever. but, what if i give him a chance and he is great, and what i need ? i really like sam, but what if i hurt him ? i don't want to do that.. what if i actually end up loving him ? soo, many questions and noo answers.

today; i have saw him.. and everything changed! i haven't been this happy in soo long, he can make me smile with out trying, makes me happy, and i love that we have this little weirdness thing together.. like, no matter how weird either one of us are.. we don't getting ashamed about it, or act like "wtf", this boy is amazing.. and i'm scared.. i'm scared feelings are gonna get really strong between us. but, i'm glad that i'm his and he's mine, <3

i truly believe that he is the best thing for me right now, nothing is going to stand in my way or screw with us.. and nothing can make me change my mind about him or leave him.. because, right now he is what i want and i can't leave this feeling right now. and i truly hope, that he feels the way about me that he says he doesn't.

have a good night all you blogger's and readers :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

my bad, forgive me?

hey sorry guys, i have been busy with school, and i had the stomach flu soo i chouldn't really move.. i wish i could have blogged well i was sick, i just wasn't in the mood.. i'm still kinda sick, but i really just felt like i owned it to you guy to blog lol so it's sunday night, that means i'm watching teletoon at night, with FRED! it's a new espoised of the dating guy, and i'm just can't wait to see it, it's like my favorite adult cartoon show! you guy's should turn into teletoon at night, and listen to the funny things that Fred say! hahah he said this "it's almost v-day, so maybe we can makeout" - Fred it was soo funny, because he's on the t.v and i'm here! damns, lol

but, here's the thing.. i hate my one class, it sucks, it's boring, it's hard and i don't like who i sit with.. i don't know him and he always stares at me! i hate it.. i thought i would have liked the class because, it's on the evoriament.. but, i don't like it what soo ever! i would half to say my favorite class is music :) it's fun, great and i love the people in it! So, on friday i went to the dance, it was soooo much fun! i danced all night, and now my legs still effing hurt :( but, i got to dance with the guy i like, and hangout with the other guy i like.. but the only thing that Sucked about B(the intical of one of the guy i like) is that, he really likes this girl.. and he made out with her right infront of me.. it sucked asscheeks :( but, i got to learn ever though i like a guy i can't always have him..

but, now that i'm just trying to get J.. i don't think it is going to work.. he's keep throwing mixed signles and i'm fed up with it! but, other then that.. i have nothing to do night, and might blog about Taylor (my bestfriend) or the show, The Dating guy :) soo, keep looking in tonight to see if i shall blog again!
but i PROMISE I WILL BLOG EVERYDAY THIS WEEK i feel soo bad for not blogging at all! i hate that, but, i'll keep you guy's posted about stuff k :) have fun, i shall ttyl all you blogger's and readers<3

Friday, February 4, 2011

first week.

it was my first week of a new sem, it was a good week. but, yes it had it up's and down's! i like all my classes, i did have cooking, but i had to drop it for a evromental course i need that shit for unvi. and college lol it's a pretty hard course but atleast the teacher is easy going! he's great, lol i love having the same Science class as my bestfriend... man, i don't know what to do to with her; i never get to hangout just her and I anymore, he boytoy is always there.. he's like gum on her effing shoe! no matter how hard you try to scrum it off, it doesn't go away! hahaha she tried talking to him, and he doesn't care.. it's like he doesn't care if she loses more friends over her.. because, that's pretty much going to happen and it's effed.. oh well, i'm going to blog about her soon! there are soo many great story i have to tell about us! i love that bitch! <3
but, back to school.. today is friday and i hope it's a good day.. Taylor is in a bad mood already, and i'm in the greatest mood i have been in, in weeks! i just love that everything is finally going well in life.. but, it's 8:25 i still go to brush my teeth and get money lol i shall blog tonight about friday! and let's hope my friday goes as plan! i might be babysitting with a very cute boy <3 ahhhh, i just got to wait for is dad to say yes or no! lol but, i promise i will blog tomorrow, saturday and sunday(TELETOON AT NIGHT!!! FEARLESS FRED<3) ! i will not forget about all you blogger's and readers :) have a very good day blogger's and reader's!

Monday, January 31, 2011

dear Fearless Fred,

i watch teletoon everynight, i love it on sundays though! you make my sunday every night, you are the one person i want to meet in life! you make life just dandy, your funner then asscheeks, i go on at teletoon at night to see if you posted something new, i have followed you on twitter and i even posted you on my tumblr page! also, thank you for showing me the dating guy, favorite show ever it's life! i could go on and on forever. But, i know you may never read my blog and that's not good at all.. i will try my best to get you too. your great, and i love your personalitly you not scared to be your self, and your tattoos are damn all great! what makes you like comics ? how did you know being the guy are is what you wanted to do for work ? i have soo many things i want to ask you, i don't even know where to start.. if you ever read this blog, i would really hope you blog me back or atleast follow me on blogspot. because o have you even read my blog makes my life, you are the best Fred, i hope you never change being the funny, charming, good looking, outgoing, nerdy, and all togethet just great guy that you are.
i'm hoping to make another blog about you sometime soon.

and plus; i have been trying to write this blog for 2 day's now and i have finally come around to atleast getting some of my thoughts out. ahahahah

from your, best fan! <3

Sunday, January 30, 2011


blah, school starts tomorrow.. i have had a lovely week off, thanks to exam week, my sleep as been effed with, it's 12:53 and i'm not tired what so ever, if this was two weeks ago.. i would have been pass out by now.. but no! DAMN YOU EXAM WEEK! but, the point is.. i start new classes tomorrow, so i now have different teachers and i'm not happy about it at all.. i hate when i get different teachers!!! now i have a hole alot of getting used to.. but, i'm happy about my 3 of my classes being on the same floor.. science, music and cooking.. so, it's easy to get to my locker.. but harder to hide from teachers and terri is i skip lol but, i really never skip! but, i have one class up stairs in the art hallway, and i have never had this teacher before.. everyone said she is a fucking bitch and half.. let's hope they were just on her bad side.. because, i love english class and i don't want to end up hating it because, of some broad! but.. there has been some changes to my everyday life now.. i haven't really talked about it much, that's saved for another time.. and another blog.. it's time for me to go now.. i need to try and get some sleep so i actually get up for school in time.. i need to look good for someone hahahhahah what a joke! have a good night, all you late night bloggers

dear him,

you are not who you used to be, things are different and i have changed. I gave everything to you, you didn't want what i had to offer.. i'm sorry but i have gave up, i will always love you. I need to move on and get out of this rut. i can't sit here and be sad anymore, need you anymore and love you anymore. I'm sorry, but this is done and over with an i'm still okay, i lived my life without you until you came into my life, we broke up and i have lived without you since... i think i can keep my head up high, and feet on the groung even though you are gone. I just can't deal with what you throw on the table, your an ass, and the next girl that gets you i hope they can deal with the shit you have with you.

love, the girl you'll never get back.