Monday, October 19, 2009

the meeting.

Hey interweb readers.
I went to the meeting last week, and I was there over the weekend with my friend Taylor.
and I came home sunday, but went to see my boyfriend.
so, I didn't have time to write this.
but, the meetin' was pretty good. They had LOTS to do, and I'm gunna go work for them over the summer, and if it goes well, they want me to do it all year around.

the only problem with that, is that I would need to be home schooled and live on a bus .. I'm not to happy about that.. but, they pretty much asked me to speak infront of kids my age, so teens.
and tell them why I'm doin' what I'm doin' and why it's good idea to help join to stop Animal testing and Animal abuse, if you read my blog please come up to me if I come to your, city, town or country in the summer of 2010 (:

I would be nice to meet people that read my blog and to hear there thoughts on it, I will inform you where there is protest over this year and in the summer.
I will tell you want towns I'm comin' in to and what time, and days.
and if you can, join things at your school and get involed with helpin' other people. because, if you help atleast one person you feel better about you self and feel good about what your doin'.

there is this thing called Me to We at my school and we raise money for people in place were they don't have alot of money to do to school, have food, water, stuff to wear.
just please, atleast try to help out the earth, the people and the animals.
speak up for those who cant, and help people you need the help.

stay crulty free, reduse, reuse, recyle (:


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